September is recognized as National Preparedness Month (NPM). It serves as a reminder that we all must take action to prepare for the types of emergencies that could affect us where we live, work, and visit. Island Organizers is a NPM Coalition Member, agreeing to participate in preparedness activities and events as well as promote emergency preparedness. Each year, we provide webinars, guidebooks and other educational materials to assist with the creation of emergency kits and disaster
Resources found here guide Businesses, Families & Individuals how to organize and prepare BEFORE disaster strikes.
Know someone with a small business? Do you work in a small business? How prepared is the business when "something" happens? How do you identify the business' unique risks and hazards? Is there a Plan B or C? This webinar helps to answer these questions. Learn the Five Steps of Disaster Planning. Bring "key" employees. Disaster happens but business must go on. People RELY on businesses for their livelihood. Take action today to protect them!
It Now
worksheets & guidebook for the Do-It-Yourselfer who's
motivated and able to tackle the task of organizing &
gathering Vital and Important documents with a few instructions.
Includes guidebook, worksheets and resources. Webinar takes you
thru the process, plus guides you to get your information into SafelyFiled,
a secure cloud-based storage for organizing & sharing. Also
includes 50% discount off first year of SafelyFiled
subscription. Get
It Now
Teleclass: Your Disaster Plan Is
Not Just A Kit
“Hindsight is 20/20.” It means when you look back at something, there’s a whole lot of “woulda” “shoulda” “coulda” going on. Being prepared doesn't mean just having an emergency kit, a plan is just as important, if not more so! During this teleclass you will learn:
How to designate a "Ready Zone"
What goes into your "Go Bag"
How to make a "Grab & Go List"
and MORE
Includes handouts, worksheets & resources. Get
It Now